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شرح متن الآجرومية الجزء الأول

شرح متن الآجرومية الجزء الأول is an Android application developed by Konest. It falls under the category of Multimedia, specifically Music & Radio. The program is a comprehensive audio explanation of the book "شرح متن الآجرومية" by Sheikh Muhammad bin Saleh Al-Othaimeen. The entire explanation is divided into four parts for better quality, and this is the first part.

This first part consists of six audio files, which are numbered from 1 to 6. The explanation is delivered by Sheikh Muhammad bin Saleh Al-Othaimeen, providing users with a detailed understanding of the book "شرح متن الآجرومية". The application is available for free on the Google Play Store.

To download the first part, please visit the following link:

To download the second part, please visit the following link:

To download the third part, please visit the following link:

To download the fourth part, please visit the following link:

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